Albemarle has made a commitment that before implementing any Environmental and Social Impact Assessment process, it will announce it publicly and in Spanish, through this website.

The announcement will include: 

  • Project Overview 
  • Preliminary identification of potentially significant social and environmental impacts and mitigation actions for them 
  • Description of the main steps of the evaluation process, including a timeline and highlighting the processes of Citizen Participation or Indigenous Consultation 
  • Contact of the main person responsible for the management of the evaluation 

Albemarle will make available to the public an anonymous version of the record of the comments of the social actors and the responses provided in this regard, made in the context of any Environmental and Social Impact Assessment process, in addition to including the considerations given to each comment. 



The Salar Plant and La Negra Plant mining sites as a project have been authorized for 25 years of extraction or pumping, approved in 2016 by RCA No. 21 and supported by the hydrogeological and numerical study, where the former demonstrates that the increase in the extraction flow by 300 l/s does not generate a significant adverse impact. It is estimated that the year of commencement of closure would be in 2041, this being the last year of pumping, and in 2043 the final year of operation for the Salar Plant and La Negra Plant due to the time it takes for the brine to be processed from the time it is extracted from the salt flat until the product is obtained as carbonate or chloride.

The chronological detail of the useful life can be seen in the following timeline:

RCA timeline

View RCA Documents

From our Salar Plant and our La Negra Plant


Chile has a solid environmental institutionality. As part of their functions, Albemarle Chile's plants are periodically inspected by the institutions of the State of Chile in order to guarantee compliance with the rules that ensure their correct operation within the framework of current laws. In this context, we report that during the last three years we have received only one non-conformity regarding the service of the food casino in the Atacama community of Peine, where one of our camps is located, which was solved in a positive and timely manner.