:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: AGRICULTURE & FOOD :Header: Safeguarding foods for a healthy planet. :Body: Our advances in technology and a deep understanding of ecological dynamics have pioneered a portfolio of sustainable, effective chemical solutions that safeguard plant health, livestock and products while minimizing environmental impact. :Image-BG: A close-up photo of…, Food Safety Biocides, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle’s innovative chemistry provides flexibility in a wide range of applications and allows for effective reuse of water. We offer simple, manufacturing plant-friendly chemistries without objectionable odors or corrosion issues created by other products. Albemarle offers a premium line of antimicrobials as a unique solution for the food processing industry. Albemarle’s food…, Salmonella Campylobactor, , and, E. coli O157:H7, . :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: BoviBrom® :Link-Primary: AviBrom® :Link-Primary: PorciBrom® :Link-Primary: SaniBrom® :Link-Primary: SWG Biocide® :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Fertilizers, :Tab: :Body: Our fertilizer solution aids growers in meeting their crop nutrient requirements, enabling them to achieve higher yields while promoting economic, social, and environmental advantages. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Lithium Chloride :Link-Primary: Potassium Chloride :Link-Primary: Potassium Hydroxide :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Agriculture Chemical Synthesis, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle is proud of the pioneering role we play in the development of modern agrochemical synthesis and the production of environmentally friendly agrochemical alternatives. These essential components are critical in formulating products that enhance crop yield, protect against pests, and bolster food security globally. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Butyllithium :Link-…
종류: Industry
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: AGRICULTURE & FOOD :Header: Safeguarding foods for a healthy planet. :Body: Our advances in technology and a deep understanding of ecological dynamics have pioneered a portfolio of sustainable, effective chemical solutions that safeguard plant health, livestock and products while minimizing environmental impact. :Image-BG: A close-up photo of…, Food Safety Biocides, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle’s innovative chemistry provides flexibility in a wide range of applications and allows for effective reuse of water. We offer simple, manufacturing plant-friendly chemistries without objectionable odors or corrosion issues created by other products. Albemarle offers a premium line of antimicrobials as a unique solution for the food processing industry. Albemarle’s food…, Salmonella Campylobactor, , and, E. coli O157:H7, . :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: BoviBrom® :Link-Primary: AviBrom® :Link-Primary: PorciBrom® :Link-Primary: SaniBrom® :Link-Primary: SWG Biocide® :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Fertilizers, :Tab: :Body: Our fertilizer solution aids growers in meeting their crop nutrient requirements, enabling them to achieve higher yields while promoting economic, social, and environmental advantages. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Lithium Chloride :Link-Primary: Potassium Chloride :Link-Primary: Potassium Hydroxide :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Agriculture Chemical Synthesis, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle is proud of the pioneering role we play in the development of modern agrochemical synthesis and the production of environmentally friendly agrochemical alternatives. These essential components are critical in formulating products that enhance crop yield, protect against pests, and bolster food security globally. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Butyllithium :Link-…
종류: Industry
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: MEZŐGAZDASÁG ÉS ÉLELMISZER :Header: Élelmiszer-védelem egy egészséges bolygóért. :Body: Technológiai fejlődésünknek és az ökológiai folyamatok átfogó ismeretének köszönhetően úttörő szerepet játszottunk egy fenntartható, hatékony vegyipari megoldásokat tartalmazó portfólió kialakításában, segítve ezzel a növények, az élőállatok és termékek védelmét,…, Élelmiszer-biztonsági biocidok, :Tab: :Body: Az Albemarle innovatív vegyipari megoldásai rugalmasságot biztosít a különféle alkalmazásokban, és lehetővé teszi a víz hatékony újrafelhasználását. Egyszerű, gyártóüzem-barát vegyi anyagokat kínálunk, amelyek más termékekkel ellentétben nem okoznak kellemetlen szagokat vagy korróziót. Az Albemarle kifejezetten az élelmiszeripar számára kifejlesztett antimikrobiális szerek prémium…, a szalmonella campylobacter, és, az E. coli O157:H7, ellen. :Col3-Label: TERMÉKEK :Link-Primary: BoviBrom® :Link-Primary: AviBrom® :Link-Primary: PorciBrom® :Link-Primary: SaniBrom® :Link-Primary: SWG Biocide® :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Műtrágyák, :Tab: :Body: Műtrágya megoldásunk segíti a termesztőket a növények tápanyagigényének biztosításában, lehetővé téve ezáltal a magasabb hozamot, miközben gazdasági, társadalmi és környezetvédelmi előnyöket biztosítanak. :Col3-Label: TERMÉKEK :Link-Primary: Lítium-klorid :Link-Primary: Kálium-klorid :Link-Primary: Kálium-hidroxid :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Mezőgazdasági kémiai szintézis, :Tab: :Body: Az Albemarle büszke a modern agrokémiai szintézis kifejlesztésében és a környezetbarát agrokémiai alternatívák előállításában betöltött úttörő szerepére. Ezek az alapvető összetevők az egész világon létfontosságú szerepet játszanak a terméshozamot növelő, a kártevők elleni védelmet biztosító és az élelmiszer-biztonságot erősítő termékek megalkotásában. :Col3-Label: TERMÉKEK :Link-…
종류: Industry
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :アイブロー: 農業&食品 :ヘッダー: 健康な地球のために食品を守る。 :Body: 私たちの技術の進歩と生態学的ダイナミクスの深い理解により、環境への影響を最小限に抑えつつ、植物の健康、家畜、製品を保護する持続可能で効果的な化学ソリューションのポートフォリオを開発しました。 :画像-BG: 畑で整然と育つ鮮やかな緑のほうれん草の葉のクローズアップ写真 。 :----: :COMPONENT: BASIC CONTENT BLOCK :ヘッダー: 農業と生産性向上のための化学 :本文: アルベマールは、私たちの従業員と、持続可能な農業ソリューション、植物の健康、そして植物の健康製品の開発における先駆的な役割を誇りにしています。私たちの作業は、先進的な殺虫剤、除草剤、肥料の農薬合成の基盤を築いてきました。…, 食品安全殺生物剤, タブ: :本文: アルべマールの革新的な化学技術は、幅広い用途に柔軟性をもたらし、水の効果的な再利用を可能にします。当社は、他の製品による不快な臭いや腐食の問題がなく、工場に優しいシンプルな化学物質を提供します。 アルべマールは、食品加工業界向けのユニークなソリューションとして、プレミアムな抗菌剤を提供しています。アルべマールの食品安全製品は、, サルモネラ菌, 、, カンピロバクター菌, 、大腸菌O157:H7などの多くの病原菌に対して効果があります。 :Col3-Label: 製品 :Link-Primary: BoviBrom® :Link-Primary: AviBrom® :Link-Primary: PorciBrom® :Link-Primary: SaniBrom® :Link-Primary: SWG Biocide® :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, 肥料, タブ: :Body: 当社の肥料ソリューションは、栽培者が作物の栄養要件を満たすのを支援し、より高い収穫量を達成できるようにしつつ、経済的、社会的、環境的な利点を促進します。 :Col3-Label: 製品 :Link-Primary: 塩化リチウム :Link-Primary: 塩化カリウム :Link-Primary: 水酸化カリウム :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :ヘッダー:, 農業化学合成, タブ: :本文: アルべマールは、現代の農薬合成の開発と環境に優しい農薬代替品の生産において、先駆的な役割を果たしていることを誇りにしています。 これらの重要な成分は、作物の収量を向上させ、害虫から保護し、世界的な食料安全保障を強化する製品を配合する上で重要です。 :Col3-Label: 製品 :Link-Primary: ブチルリチウム :リンク-プライマリ: ADMA :Link-Primary: リチウム水素化物 :Link-Primary:アミド :----: :COMPONENT: SPACER-XSMALL-WHITE :----: :COMPONENT: VERTICAL LINKS BLOCK :アイブロー: 関連情報を見る :Col1-ラベル: ソリューション :Link-Primary: 工業用水処理 :Link-Primary: 化学合成 :Link-…
종류: Industry
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: 농업 & 식품 :헤더: 건강한 지구를 위한 식품을 보호하기. 기술 발전과 생태 역학에 대한 깊은 이해를 통해 환경 영향을 최소화하면서 식물 건강, 가축 및 제품을 보호하는 지속 가능하고 효과적인 화학 솔루션 포트폴리오를 개척했습니다. :Image-BG: 들판에서 가지런히 줄지어 자라는 생생한 녹색 시금치 잎의 클로즈업 사진입니다. :----: :COMPONENT: BASIC CONTENT BLOCK :헤더: 농업 생산성을 위한 화학 :Body: Albemarle은 우리 직원들과 지속 가능한 농업 솔루션, 식물 건강 및 식물 건강 제품 개발에서 우리가 수행하는 선구적인 역할을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 우리의 작업은 고급…, 식품 안전 바이오사이드, 탭: 본문: Albemarle의 혁신적인 화학은 다양한 응용 분야에서 유연성을 제공하며 물을 효과적으로 재사용할 수 있게 합니다. 우리는 다른 제품에서 발생하는 불쾌한 냄새나 부식 문제 없이 제조 공장 친화적인 간단한 화학물질을 제공합니다. Albemarle은 식품 가공 산업을 위한 독창적인 솔루션으로 프리미엄 항균제 제품군을 제공합니다. Albemarle의 식품 안전 제품은 살모넬라균, 캄필로박터균,, 대장균 O157:H7과 같은 많은 병원성, 박테리아에 효과적입니다. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :링크-기본: BoviBrom® :링크-기본: AviBrom® :링크-기본: PorciBrom® :링크-기본: SaniBrom® :Link-Primary: SWG Biocide® :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, 비료, 탭: 몸: 당사의 비료 솔루션은 재배자가 작물의 영양소 요구 사항을 충족하도록 지원하여 경제적, 사회적, 환경적 이점을 촉진하면서 더 높은 수확량을 달성할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :링크-기본: 리튬 클로라이드 :링크-프라이머리: 포타슘 클로라이드 :링크-기본: 수산화 칼륨 :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :헤더:, 농업 화학 합성, 탭: :본문: Albemarle은 현대 농화학 합성의 개발과 환경 친화적인 농화학 대체품의 생산에서 선구자적 역할을 하고 있음을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 이 필수 구성 요소는 작물 수확량을 증대시키고, 해충으로부터 보호하며, 전 세계 식량 안보를 강화하는 제품을 조제하는 데 필수적입니다. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Butyllithium :Link-Primary: ADMA :링크-기본: 리튬 수소화물 :Link-Primary: 아마이드 :----: :COMPONENT: SPACER-XSMALL-WHITE :----: :COMPONENT: VERTICAL LINKS BLOCK :Eyebrow: 관련 내용 탐색하기 :Col1-Label: 솔루션 :링크-기본: 산업용…
종류: Industry
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow:农业与食品 :Header: 保障食品安全,守护地球健康。 :Body:我们在技术上的进步和对生态动态的深刻理解,开创了一系列可持续且有效的化学解决方案。保护植物健康、牲畜和产品的同时,尽量减少对环境的影响。 :Image-BG: A close-up photo of vibrant green spinach leaves growing in neat rows in a field. :----: :COMPONENT: BASIC CONTENT BLOCK :Header: 提高农业产量的化学制品 :Body: 雅保及其员工在开发可持续农业解决方案、作物健康和作物健康类产品方面始终发挥领头军的作用,我们对此倍感自豪。我们的工作为先进杀虫剂、除草剂和肥料等农化产品的合成奠定了坚实基础。…, 保障食品安全的杀菌剂, :Tab: :Body:雅保的创新化学解决方案应用灵活、用途广泛,有助实现水资源的高效再利用。我们的化学品简单易用,不会对生产工厂的周边环境造成不良影响,且不会像其他产品那样存在刺鼻气味或腐蚀问题。 雅保生产一系列优质抗菌剂产品,为食品加工行业提供独特的解决方案。雅保用于保障食品安全的产品能有效抑制多种致病菌,例如, 沙门氏菌、弯曲杆菌, 和, 大肠杆菌 O157:H7, 。 :Col3-Label: 产品 :Link-Primary: BoviBrom® :Link-Primary: AviBrom® :Link-Primary: PorciBrom® :Link-Primary: SaniBrom® :Link-Primary: SWG Biocide® :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, 肥料, :Tab: :Body:我们的肥料解决方案可以满足种植者的作物肥料需求,助力他们增产增收,同时推动经济、社会、环境的和谐发展。 :Col3-Label: 产品 :Link-Primary: 氯化锂 :Link-Primary: 氯化钾 :Link-Primary: 氢氧化钾 :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, 农业化学合成, :Tab: :Body: 雅保在推动现代农化产品合成和环保型农化产品替代品研发方面一直发挥先锋作用,我们对此倍感自豪。 这些重要成分对于配制可提高作物产量、防治虫害和加强全球粮食安全的产品至关重要。 :Col3-Label: 产品 :Link-Primary: 丁基锂 :Link-Primary: ADMA :Link-Primary: 氢化锂 :Link-Primary: 酰胺 :----: :COMPONENT: SPACER-XSMALL-WHITE :----: :COMPONENT: VERTICAL LINKS BLOCK :Eyebrow: 了解相关信息 :Col1-Label: 解决方案 :Link-Primary: 工业水处理 :Link-Primary: 化学合成 :Link-Primary: 食品安全 :Col2-Label: 产品 :Link-Basic: 氯化锂…
종류: Industry
종류: Page
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: AUTOMOBILE & ELEKTROFAHRZEUGE :Header: Wir machen Autos sicherer, sauberer, leichter, effizienter und nachhaltiger. :Body: Der Wandel hin zu einer nachhaltigeren, kohlenstoffärmeren Zukunft im Automobilsektor führt zu innovativen Entwicklungen in den Fahrzeugen, die wir fahren – von Antriebsarten über Sicherheitsfunktionen bis hin zu effizienteren…, Lithium-Metall-Anoden, Durch den Austausch der herkömmlichen Graphitanoden in aktuellen Lithium-Ionen-Batterien können wir die Energiedichte der Batterie erheblich verbessern und so mehr Leistung im gleichen Batteriemodul bereitstellen. , Lithiumsulfid, Als entscheidender Vorläufer für sulfidische Elektrolyte dient Lithiumsulfid dazu, das Potenzial von Festkörperelektrolyten (SSE) freizusetzen. , Vorlithiierung, Durch diesen Prozess werden Batterien wesentlich effizienter, indem während der Herstellung zusätzliche Lithium-Ionen in die Anode der Batterie eingebracht werden. Dieser Prozess gleicht den anfänglichen Kapazitätsverlust aus, der während der ersten Lade- und Entladezyklen in Batterien auftritt. :----: :COMPONENT: BASIC CONTENT BLOCK :Augenbraue: ERHÖHTE REICHWEITE :Header: Verbesserungen bei…, Airbags, :Tab: :Body: Wir hoffen zwar, dass Sie nie erleben müssen, dass ein Airbag ausgelöst wird, aber bei vielen Fahrzeugunfällen haben sie sich als lebensrettend erwiesen. Dank der Pionierarbeit von Albemarle in der Titan- und Zirkoniummetallurgie und Pyrotechnik werden jeden Tag Millionen von Menschenleben durch sichere und zuverlässige Airbag-Auslöser geschützt. :Col3-Label: PRODUKTE :Link-Primary:…, Reifen, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle hat an der Entwicklung von Hochleistungsreifen mitgewirkt, die aus fortschrittlichen Materialien und Technologien hergestellt werden, weniger natürliche Ressourcen verbrauchen, länger halten und auf der Straße eine bessere Leistung erbringen. Wir haben auch Fortschritte bei der Polymerisation unterstützt, um den Herstellungsprozess von Reifen energieeffizienter zu…, Gedruckte Leiterplatten, :Tab: :Body: Kleinere, flexiblere, vielseitigere und leistungsstärkere Leiterplatten treiben die elektronische Innovation voran. Die Brandschutzlösungen von Albemarle werden in der Klebeschicht von Leiterplatten eingesetzt und bieten lebensrettende Eigenschaften, während sie gleichzeitig das Wachstum der Branche fördern. Unsere leistungsstarken Präzisionsreinigungsmittel werden für die…, Leitungen & Kabel, :Tab: :Body: Leitungs- und Kabelhersteller sind für die Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie unverzichtbar und benötigen Zusatzstoffe, um die Brandgefahr zu verringern. Die innovativen Flammschutzmittel von Albemarle werden während des Leitungs- und Kabelextrusionsprozesses integriert, um einen höchstmöglichen Brandschutz zu gewährleisten. :Col3-Label: PRODUKTE :Link-Primary: SAYTEX® :----: :…, Präzisionsreinigung, :Tab: :Body: Empfindliche Materialien – wie komplexe Leiterplatten, optische Geräte, Teile für die Luft- und Raumfahrt und die Automobilindustrie – profitieren von den leistungsstarken Reinigungsmitteln von Albemarle, die speziell für die Dampfentfettung, Kalt- und Ultraschallreinigung entwickelt wurden. Unsere Lösungen haben ein geringes Treibhaus- und Ozonabbaupotenzial und sind…, Steckverbinder & Gehäuse, :Tab: :Body: Mehr Konnektivität und mehr Funktionen in modernen Fahrzeugen von heute bedeuten mehr Steckverbinder und Gehäuse zur Unterbringung von Kabeln, Leiterplatten und Bedienfeldern. Die Brandschutzlösungen von Albemarle bieten Eigenschaften wie thermische Stabilität und starke Umweltprofile, was sie zu einer hervorragenden Wahl für die Automobilindustrie macht. :Col3-Label: PRODUKTE :Link-…
종류: Industry
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: AUTOMOTIVE & EV :Header: Enabling the cars we drive to be safer, cleaner, lighter, more efficient and more sustainable. :Body: The urgent need for a sustainable, lower-carbon future in the automotive sector is leading to exciting new advances in the cars we drive and how they are powered, engineered for safety and designed for efficiency. From…, Lithium Metal Anodes, By replacing the traditional graphite anodes in current lithium-ion batteries, we can significantly increase the energy density of the battery, giving more capacity in the same battery pack. , Lithium Sulfide, As a pivotal precursor for sulfidic electrolyte, Lithium Sulfide serves to unlock the potential of solid-state electrolytes (SSE). , Prelithiation, This process makes batteries much more efficient by infusing extra lithium ions into the battery’s anode during manufacturing. This process compensates for the initial loss of capacity that batteries experience during their first charge and discharge cycles. :----: :COMPONENT: BASIC CONTENT BLOCK :Eyebrow: INCREASING RANGE :Header: Improvements in Battery Materials :Body: Through advancements in…, Airbags, :Tab: :Body: While we hope you never have to experience an air bag deploying, they are proven life savers in many vehicle accidents. Thanks to some pioneering work done by Albemarle in titanium and zirconium metallurgy and pyrotechnics, millions of lives are safeguarded everyday by safe, reliable air bag initiators. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Energetic Materials :----: :COMPONENT:…, Tires, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle has been helping to develop high-performance tires made with advanced materials and technologies that require fewer natural resources, last longer and perform better on the road. We’ve also been supporting advances in polymerization to make the manufacturing process of tires more energy efficient. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Butyllithium :----: :COMPONENT:…, Printed Circuit Boards, :Tab: :Body: Circuit boards that are smaller, flexible, more versatile and powerful drive electronic innovation. Albemarle’s fire safety solutions are used in the adhesive layer of circuit boards, providing lifesaving properties while enabling industry growth. Our high-performance precision cleaning solvents are used for circuit board vapor degreasing, cold cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning, and…, Wire & Cable, :Tab: :Body: Essential to the electrical and electronics industry, wire and cable manufacturers need additives to reduce fire hazards. Albemarle’s innovations in flame retardants are integrated during the wire and cable extrusion process to assure the most advanced fire safety possible. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: SAYTEX® :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Precision Cleaning, :Tab: :Body: Sensitive materials – such as complex circuit boards, optical equipment, aerospace and automotive parts – benefit from Albemarle’s high-performance cleaning solvents, which are specifically designed for vapor degreasing, cold and ultrasonic cleaning. Our solutions are low Global Warming Potential and low Ozone Depletion Potential, and are compatible with metals to reduce the risk of…, Connectors & Enclosures, :Tab: :Body: More connectivity and more features in today's modern automotive vehicles mean more connectors and enclosures to accommodate wires, circuit boards and control panels. Albemarle's fire safety solutions offer properties such as thermal stability and strong environmental profiles making them exceptional choices for the automotive manufacturing industry. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-…
종류: Industry
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: AUTOMOTIVE & EV :Header: Enabling the cars we drive to be safer, cleaner, lighter, more efficient and more sustainable. :Body: The urgent need for a sustainable, lower-carbon future in the automotive sector is leading to exciting new advances in the cars we drive and how they are powered, engineered for safety and designed for efficiency. From…, Lithium Metal Anodes, By replacing the traditional graphite anodes in current lithium-ion batteries, we can significantly increase the energy density of the battery, giving more capacity in the same battery pack. , Lithium Sulfide, As a pivotal precursor for sulfidic electrolyte, Lithium Sulfide serves to unlock the potential of solid-state electrolytes (SSE). , Prelithiation, This process makes batteries much more efficient by infusing extra lithium ions into the battery’s anode during manufacturing. This process compensates for the initial loss of capacity that batteries experience during their first charge and discharge cycles. :----: :COMPONENT: BASIC CONTENT BLOCK :Eyebrow: INCREASING RANGE :Header: Improvements in Battery Materials :Body: Through advancements in…, Airbags, :Tab: :Body: While we hope you never have to experience an air bag deploying, they are proven life savers in many vehicle accidents. Thanks to some pioneering work done by Albemarle in titanium and zirconium metallurgy and pyrotechnics, millions of lives are safeguarded everyday by safe, reliable air bag initiators. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Energetic Materials :----: :COMPONENT:…, Tires, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle has been helping to develop high-performance tires made with advanced materials and technologies that require fewer natural resources, last longer and perform better on the road. We’ve also been supporting advances in polymerization to make the manufacturing process of tires more energy efficient. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: Butyllithium :----: :COMPONENT:…, Printed Circuit Boards, :Tab: :Body: Circuit boards that are smaller, flexible, more versatile and powerful drive electronic innovation. Albemarle’s fire safety solutions are used in the adhesive layer of circuit boards, providing lifesaving properties while enabling industry growth. Our high-performance precision cleaning solvents are used for circuit board vapor degreasing, cold cleaning and ultrasonic cleaning, and…, Wire & Cable, :Tab: :Body: Essential to the electrical and electronics industry, wire and cable manufacturers need additives to reduce fire hazards. Albemarle’s innovations in flame retardants are integrated during the wire and cable extrusion process to assure the most advanced fire safety possible. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-Primary: SAYTEX® :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Precision Cleaning, :Tab: :Body: Sensitive materials – such as complex circuit boards, optical equipment, aerospace and automotive parts – benefit from Albemarle’s high-performance cleaning solvents, which are specifically designed for vapor degreasing, cold and ultrasonic cleaning. Our solutions are low Global Warming Potential and low Ozone Depletion Potential, and are compatible with metals to reduce the risk of…, Connectors & Enclosures, :Tab: :Body: More connectivity and more features in today's modern automotive vehicles mean more connectors and enclosures to accommodate wires, circuit boards and control panels. Albemarle's fire safety solutions offer properties such as thermal stability and strong environmental profiles making them exceptional choices for the automotive manufacturing industry. :Col3-Label: PRODUCTS :Link-…
종류: Industry