• Environmentally safe chemistries that capture contaminants, remediating property and protecting our food supply.
    종류: Solution
  • Környezetbarát kémiai anyagok, amelyek megkötik a szennyeződéseket, helyreállítják a területet és védik az élelmiszer-ellátást.
    종류: Solution
  • 汚染物質を捕捉し、財産を修復し、食料供給を保護する環境に安全な化学物質。
    종류: Solution
  • 환경적으로 안전한 화학 물질로서 오염물질을 포집하여 재산을 복구하고 식량 공급을 보호합니다.
    종류: Solution
  • 雅保生产环保安全的化学品,用于捕捉污染物,修复环境并保护食品供应链的安全。
    종류: Solution
  • Battelle’s Chlorinated Conference is the premier gathering of environmental professionals researching and applying innovative technologies and approaches for characterization, monitoring, cleanup and management of complex sites contaminated with the most challenging classes of chemicals.
    종류: Event
  • The 41stth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Reclamation Sciences (ASRS) is June 2-6, 2024, in Knoxville, TN. This conference will focus on the research, technical, and regulatory issues associated with the land and water implications of anthropogenic land disturbances. It will provide a forum for the dissemination of information through presentation of research findings, field tours, and…
    종류: Event
  • The dramatic rise of electric-powered vehicles is creating significant upheavals in the design, manufacture, and supply of plastic parts. Revolutionary changes to how cars are designed and manufactured create a wide range of exciting new opportunities for the supply chain. This event brought together top managers, engineers, designers, and material experts from the industry’s leading players –…
    종류: Event
  • Chemspec Europe is a key event for the fine and speciality chemicals industry. With a highly specialised profile, the exhibition is the place to be for purchasers and agents to meet with manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of fine and speciality chemicals to source specific solutions and bespoke products.  The event appeals to an international audience and Chemspec Europe is therefore a…
    종류: Event
  • Join us at the Fastmarkets Lithium Supply and Battery Raw Materials Conference in Las Vegas on June 25, where Eric Norris, President of Energy Storage, will deliver the keynote address. His message, "Be Ready: It is Time to Lead the U.S. Energy Transition," will highlight the critical role of the U.S. in the global energy transition. Norris's keynote is highly anticipated, offering insights on…
    종류: Event