La planta Xinyu de Albemarle produce hidróxido de litio de grado técnico y de batería.
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Az Albemarle Xinyu üzemében műszaki és akkumulátor minőségű lítium-hidroxidot állítanak elő.
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종류: Location
앨버말의 신유 시설은 기술 및 배터리 등급의 수산화리튬을 생산합니다.
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Albemarle 的新余工厂生产工业级和电池级氢氧化锂。
종류: Location
CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 5, 2024, - Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB), a global leader in providing essential elements for mobility, energy, connectivity and health, has been named to the 2024 list of America’s Most JUST Companies (JUST 100) by, JUST Capital, and CNBC. The JUST 100 rankings measure how the nation’s largest corporations are performing on the business issues that matter most to Americans, including creating jobs in the U.S., protecting customer privacy, minimizing pollution, supporting employee training and more. “As a purpose-driven and values-led organization, sustainability is core to who we are and how we operate around the world,”…, Albemarle Sustainability Highlights, Albemarle is a signatory to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, underscoring the company’s commitment to water stewardship. In 2023, the company launched MercLok™, a game-changing remediation technology designed to rapidly stabilize mercury found in a range of soils and industrial waste that, if left untreated, can create an environmental and health hazard. In 2023,…, JUST Capital, are defined annually by an extensive nationwide polling process done on a fully representative basis. The top 100 companies are determined by scoring performance across the full range of criteria and comparing companies head-to-head. CNBC delves into the data, highlighting company-specific results and showcasing key stakeholder performance stories about this year’s JUST 100 leaders across the…, About Albemarle, Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB) leads the world in transforming essential resources into critical ingredients for mobility, energy, connectivity, and health. We partner to pioneer new ways to move, power, connect and protect with people and planet in mind. A reliable and high-quality global supply of lithium and bromine allow us to deliver advanced solutions for our customers. Learn more…
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:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: FLAMMSCHUTZMITTEL :Header: Bahnbrechende flammhemmende Lösungen, die die Technologie von morgen schon heute möglich machen. :Image-BG: Bunte, ineinander verschlungene Kabel in Nahaufnahme mit feuerfester Schutzisolierung. Die Kabel erscheinen in den Farben Orange, Gelb, Grün, Blau und Rot. :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Überschrift: Unsere Häuser,…, Wie Flammhemmer funktionieren, :Body: Brandschutzadditive oder Flammschutzmittel werden während des Herstellungsprozesses mit Kunststoffen kombiniert. Diese Zusatzstoffe verhindern die Entzündung und machen Kunststoffe feuerfester, was zu sichereren Produkten beiträgt und Menschen und Eigentum schützt. :Button-Primary: Ressourcen anzeigen :Link-Download: SAYTEX ® 8010-Broschüre :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :…, Thermoplastische Lösungen, :Tab: :Body: Die flammenhemmenden Lösungen von Albemarle werden in einer Vielzahl von Polymeren eingesetzt. Während der Aufbereitungsphase der Thermoplastproduktion können flammhemmende Zusatzstoffe direkt in die Polymermatrix eingearbeitet werden, um die Feuerbeständigkeit zu erhöhen. :Col3-Label: VERWANDT :Link-Primary: Automobil & Elektrofahrzeuge :Link-Primary: Bauwesen & Konstruktion…, Draht- & Kabel-Lösungen, :Tab: :Body: Die Additive von Albemarle helfen, die Häufigkeit von Brandgefahren zu verringern. Flammhemmende Additive können während des Draht- und Kabelextrusionsprozesses und während der Herstellung von Drahtbeschichtungen/Primärisolierungen in die Polymermatrix eingearbeitet werden. Dadurch wird die Feuerbeständigkeit des Endprodukts verbessert. Unsere flammhemmende Technologie hilft dabei,…, Textilien und Klebstoffe, :Tab: :Body: Die Additive von Albemarle können dazu beitragen, die Entflammbarkeit von Fasern und Stoffen erheblich zu verringern., Flammhemmer können in verschiedenen Verarbeitungsstadien, z. B. beim Beschichten, auf Textilfasern oder -gewebe aufgetragen werden, um die Feuerbeständigkeit zu erhöhen. :Col3-Label: VERWANDT :Link-Primary: Automobil & Elektrofahrzeuge :Link-Primary: Bauwesen & Konstruktion :Link-Primary: Industrielle Verfahren :Link-Primary: SAYTEX® :----: :COMPONENT: SPACER-XSMALL-WHITE :----: :…
종류: Solution
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: FLAME RETARDANTS :Header: Pioneering flame retardant solutions that make tomorrow’s technology possible today. :Image-BG: Colorful, intertwined cables in close-up view with protective fire resistant insulation. The cables appear in shades of orange, yellow, green, blue, and red. :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Header: Our homes, workplaces,…, How Flame Retardants Work, :Body: Fire prevention additives or flame retardants are combined with plastics during the manufacturing process. These additives help prevent ignition and make plastics more fire-resistant, contributing to safer products and protecting people and property. :Button-Primary: View Resources :Link-Download: SAYTEX ® 8010 Product Brochure :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Thermoplastic Solutions, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle's flame retardant solutions are used in a wide variety of polymers. During the compounding stage of thermoplastics production, flame retardant additives can be directly incorporated into the polymer matrix to enhance fire resistance. :Col3-Label: RELATED :Link-Primary: Automotive & EV :Link-Primary: Building & Construction :Link-Primary: Electrical & Electronics…, Wire & Cable Solutions, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle's additives help mitigate the incidence of fire hazards. Flame retardant additives can be compounded into the polymer matrix during the wire and cable extrusion process, and during the production of wire coatings / primary insulation. Doing this enhances the fire resistance of the final product. Our flame retardant technology helps to meet the most stringent fire standards…, Textile and Adhesives, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle's additives can help significantly reduce the flammability of fibers and fabrics., Flame retardants can be applied to textile fibers or fabrics during various stages of processing, such as coating, to enhance fire resistance. :Col3-Label: RELATED :Link-Primary: Automotive & EV :Link-Primary: Building & Construction :Link-Primary: Industrial Processes :Link-Primary: SAYTEX® :----: :COMPONENT: SPACER-XSMALL-WHITE :----: :COMPONENT: CTA BLOCK :Header: Contact :Body:…
종류: Solution
:----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: FLAME RETARDANTS :Header: Pioneering flame retardant solutions that make tomorrow’s technology possible today. :Image-BG: Colorful, intertwined cables in close-up view with protective fire resistant insulation. The cables appear in shades of orange, yellow, green, blue, and red. :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Header: Our homes, workplaces,…, How Flame Retardants Work, :Body: Fire prevention additives or flame retardants are combined with plastics during the manufacturing process. These additives help prevent ignition and make plastics more fire-resistant, contributing to safer products and protecting people and property. :Button-Primary: View Resources :Link-Download: SAYTEX ® 8010 Product Brochure :----: :COMPONENT: RELATED LINKS BLOCK :Header:, Thermoplastic Solutions, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle's flame retardant solutions are used in a wide variety of polymers. During the compounding stage of thermoplastics production, flame retardant additives can be directly incorporated into the polymer matrix to enhance fire resistance. :Col3-Label: RELATED :Link-Primary: Automotive & EV :Link-Primary: Building & Construction :Link-Primary: Electrical & Electronics…, Wire & Cable Solutions, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle's additives help mitigate the incidence of fire hazards. Flame retardant additives can be compounded into the polymer matrix during the wire and cable extrusion process, and during the production of wire coatings / primary insulation. Doing this enhances the fire resistance of the final product. Our flame retardant technology helps to meet the most stringent fire standards…, Textile and Adhesives, :Tab: :Body: Albemarle's additives can help significantly reduce the flammability of fibers and fabrics., Flame retardants can be applied to textile fibers or fabrics during various stages of processing, such as coating, to enhance fire resistance. :Col3-Label: RELATED :Link-Primary: Automotive & EV :Link-Primary: Building & Construction :Link-Primary: Industrial Processes :Link-Primary: SAYTEX® :----: :COMPONENT: SPACER-XSMALL-WHITE :----: :COMPONENT: CTA BLOCK :Header: Contact :Body:…
종류: Solution