• Welcome to Sweden and NORDROCS 2024, which will be held the 9th to 12th of September 2024 in the beautiful city of Uppsala. The city is renowned for its beautiful old city center, the cathedral from 1270, and Uppsala University, founded in 1470. The registration for the conference is now open. The organizing committee is looking forward to meeting you in Uppsala in 2024. NORDROCS is a joint…
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  • Der Standort von Albemarle in Indien arbeitet mit Spezialchemikalien und Cäsiumverbindungen und arbeitet mit Forschungsabteilungen sowie CROs (Contract Research Organization) zusammen.  
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  • Albemarle's location in India works with specialty chemical and cesium compounds and collaborates together with research departments as well as CROs (Contract Research Organization).  
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  • La sede de Albemarle en India trabaja con compuestos químicos especiales y de cesio y colabora con departamentos de investigación y CRO (organizaciones de investigación por contrato).  
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  • Az Albemarle indiai telephelye speciális vegyi anyagokkal és céziumvegyületekkel dolgozik, és együttműködik a kutatási részlegekkel, valamint a CRO-kkal (Contract Research Organization).  
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  • アルベマールのインド拠点は、特殊化学化合物やセシウム化合物を取り扱い、研究部門やCRO(医薬品開発業務受託機関)と協力しています。  
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  • 인도에 위치한 Albemarle은 특수 화학 및 세슘 화합물을 다루며 연구 부서 및 CRO(임상시험수탁기관)와 함께 협업합니다.  
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  • Albemarle 在印度的分支机构从事特种化学品和铯化合物方面的工作,并与研究部门和 CRO(合同研究组织)开展合作。  
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  • Join 500+ key voices from across the global battery supply chain to focus in on Europe. You will delve into the policies and investment driving the region forward, the latest battery technologies, and how global demand is shaping available supply.
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  • The chemical industry is the mother of all industries, and we've come a long way. Greenhouse gas emissions in Europe have fallen by about a third over the past three decades. But there's still so much more to do! Today, we must navigate the geopolitical landscape, obtain clean energy and sustainable feedstock at the right cost and scale, and we need an industrial policy in Europe where…
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