• C-PAC is a Concrete-Friendly high performance brominated powdered activated carbon. C-PAC is Concrete-Friendly and manufactured for the removal of both elemental and oxidized mercury in flue gases while not adversely affecting the ability of the resultant fly ash or cement kiln dust to be used as a substitute for cement in concretes. Features: Concrete-Friendly C-PAC sorbent is made for…
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  • Calciumhydrid wird hauptsächlich als Wasserstoffquelle, als Trockenmittel für Flüssigkeiten und Gase sowie als Reduktionsmittel für Metalloxide verwendet.
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  • Calcium hydride is used primarily as a source of hydrogen, as a drying agent for liquids and gases, and as a reducing agent for metal oxides.
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  • El hidruro de calcio se usa principalmente como fuente de hidrógeno, como agente desecante para líquidos y gases, y como agente reductor para óxidos metálicos.
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  • A kalcium-hidridet elsősorban hidrogénforrásként, folyadékok és gázok szárítószereként, valamint fém-oxidok redukálószereként használják.
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  • 水素化カルシウムは、主に水素源として、液体や気体の乾燥剤として、金属酸化物の還元剤として使用されています。
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  • 칼슘 하이드라이드는 주로 수소 공급원과 액체 및 기체의 건조제, 금속산화물의 환원제로 사용됩니다.
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  • 氢化钙主要用作生氢剂、液体和气体的干燥剂以及金属氧化物的还原剂。
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  • Als Bindekomponente zwischen Schleifmitteln, Hartmetallen, Keramik und Metall. Als Legierungsbestandteil in der Pulvermetallurgie. Einsetzbar als Wasserstoffquelle für das Aufschäumen von Metallen.
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  • As a binding component between grinding agents, carbides, ceramics and metal; as an alloying constituent in powder metallurgy. Applicable as hydrogen source for the foaming of metals.
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