Telephone contact
Albemarle Germany GmbH, Langelsheim Plant 05326/51-0
Loudspeaker announcements
Pay attention to the loudspeaker announcements of the emergency response authority.
They inform you,
- how to behave,
- on measures taken by the emergency services
- about the all-clear
Some time can pass from the time of the siren signal to the radio or loudspeaker announcement.
Please do not block the Telephone connections to the fire brigade, police, rescue service and our companies, unless there is a special situation with you (fire, accident) requires a call.
Take in case of health impairments Contact with the family doctor, the rescue coordination centre or the advice centre for symptoms of poisoning.
Stay away from the factory premises and keep the roads and paths clear for emergency services.
Pay attention to the all-clear announcement via radio or loudspeaker car of the emergency response authority.