• :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: OUR PEOPLE, WORKPLACE & COMMUNITY :Header: Our people shape the future, build with purpose and grow together. :Image-BG: Two individuals wearing yellow safety jackets and white hard hats walk through an industrial facility. They are surrounded by machinery and pipelines. The weather appears sunny, and shadows fall on the ground, indicating bright
, Our Approach, Our CEO, together with our GBU Presidents, is accountable for Albemarle’s safety performance, and the Safety, Sustainability, and Public Policy (SSP) Committee of our Board of Directors provides oversight of Albemarle’s safety program. The committee meets quarterly with our Vice President, HS&E to review safety performance, safety trends, audit results and corrective action plans, and the SSP
, Programs & Initiatives, Our robust safety management system, tailored to each location, is based on the Responsible Care RC14001 chemical industry program which integrates the American Chemical Council’s (ACC) Responsible Care requirements with those of ISO 14001 and the OSHA Process Safety Management standards. Albemarle employees are required to complete safety training and take proactive steps to identify and prevent
, To protect our employees and strive for zero incidents, we deploy a number of tools including:, SCAN, - Survey, Consider, Act and Notify, or SCAN, is a hazard recognition and mitigation tool which teaches employees to identify potential hazards and communicate them to management., LIFE SAVING RULES -, Our Life Saving Rules comprise the eight most critical safety procedures that must be followed for everyone’s protection. :----: :COMPONENT: IMAGE BLOCK :Image: Safety icons and procedures: Work Permit, Lock Out Tag Out, Confined Space, Line Break, Working at Heights, PPE, Electrical, Bypassing Safety Controls. Each icon represents a specific safety protocol with a brief description underneath
, Our Approach, Our focus on talent begins with our Board of Directors, who oversee leadership and CEO succession planning. The Board meets with the ELT annually to review and strengthen development plans. The Executive Compensation and Talent Development Committee of the Board evaluates and provides feedback on our workforce strategy and plans, including oversight of the performance of our executive officers
, Programs & Initiatives, We provide a wide variety of training and development through multiple channels and adapted to specific roles including: Leadership and career development through our, Elevate Leaders, program which includes training, mentoring, and an action learning project with complex problem-solving scenarios., Leading for Improved Performance, is for global manufacturing supervisors and managers and is offered in four languages. A robust technical training program, based on location and business unit, ensures that employees have the necessary skills to perform their job in a safe and efficient manner., Albemarle University, provides a full suite of professional and leadership development modules and also facilitates mandatory training in areas including: Code of Conduct Cybersecurity    Safety DE&I We issue a monthly LinkedIn Learning Newsletter that provides curated microlearning content that emphasizes key behavioral competencies, such as feedback, coaching and personal development. We invest in early talent
, LAUNCH, , a two-year rotational development program for recent college or university graduates. We offer educational reimbursement up to $7,500 annually to all U.S. employees from their first day of employment. :Button-Primary: View Benefits & Rewards :BG: Aqua :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION :Header: Committed to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive (
, Our Approach, We pride ourselves on building and maintaining a workforce the reflects global diversity and strive to create an inclusive, values-driven environment where all employees have opportunity to celebrate and understand the diverse backgrounds, cultures, experiences, ideas, and talents of their colleagues. Albemarle’s Chief People Officer and Vice President, Culture lead teams that continually work to
, Programs & Initiatives, We engage in partnerships to help us attract applicants from all backgrounds, including groups such as: International Women in Mining HBCU Connect Hiring Our Heroes We offer DE&I programming to create opportunities for employees to engage with one another and create intercultural understanding. We assess workforce data to help us understand where there are opportunities to enhance belonging
, Our Approach, Respecting the human rights of our employees, workers in our supply chain, members of our communities and other stakeholders represents all of our core values in action. We recognize the human rights of our stakeholders as expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We equally acknowledge
, Our Approach, Albemarle's External Affairs team is responsible for the strategy and execution of our external affairs initiatives. Our Chief External Affairs Officer (CEAO) reports to the Safety, Sustainability and Public Policy committee of the Board quarterly and to the full Board at least annually. The External Affairs leadership team is responsible for all external stakeholder engagement and for setting
, Programs & Initiatives, We support the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Council on Mining & Metals Position Statement on Indigenous Peoples and Mining. We actively collaborate with industry stakeholders and participate in industry associations. We partner with the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) to promote responsible practice in the mining industry. In

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  • :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: 圓瀟の人材、職堎、地域瀟䌚 :ヘッダヌ: 圓瀟の瀟員は未来を圢䜜り、目的を持っお創造し、共に成長したす。 :Image-BG: 黄色の安党ゞャケットず癜いヘルメットを着甚した2人の人物が工業斜蚭を歩いおいる。呚囲は機械やパむプラむンに囲たれおおり、倩気は晎れのようで、地面に映る圱から倪陜の光が明るいこずが分かる。 :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK ヘッダヌ私たちは、安党性、盞互尊重、胜力開発、りェルビヌむングに重点を眮いた、䟡倀芳重芖の、倚様性、公平性、包摂性のある職堎を育んでいたす。私たちは、䞀人ひずりが朜圚胜力を最倧限に発揮できるようにし、自分自身、顧客、コミュニティ、そしお䌚瀟を高めお、より匷靭な人々ず地球を築くこずを目指しおいたす。 :----: :
, 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 圓瀟のCEOは、GBUプレゞデントず共にアルベマヌルの安党パフォヌマンスに察する責任を負いたす。たた、取締圹䌚の安党性、持続可胜性、公共政策 (SSP) 委員䌚がアルベマヌルの安党プログラムを監督しおいたす。委員䌚は四半期ごずに圓瀟のHS&E担圓副瀟長ず䌚合を開き、安党実瞟、安党傟向、監査結果、是正措眮蚈画を怜蚎したす。SSP委員䌚は四半期ごずに取締圹䌚に報告を行いたす。 アルベマヌルの経営幹郚チヌム (ELT) は、「目暙ず䞻芁な結果 (OKR)」のシステムに基づいお、四半期ごずに目暙ずパフォヌマンスをレビュヌしたす。GBUプレゞデントは四半期ごずにタりンホヌル ミヌティングを開催し、圓瀟の安党パフォヌマンスに぀いおの報告を行いたす。安党パフォヌマンスの結果は、党瀟的なボヌナス プログラムず経営陣の報酬に反映されたす。アルベマヌルの「 健康、安党、セキュリティ、 , プログラムず取り組み, 各地域に合わせお構築された圓瀟の堅牢な安党管理システムは、米囜化孊工業協䌚 (ACC) のレスポンシブル・ケア®の芁求事項をISO 14001およびOSHAプロセス安党管理基準ず統合した「レスポンシブル・ケア RC14001」化孊産業プログラムに基づくものです。 アルベマヌルの埓業員は、安党トレヌニングを完了し、職堎での怪我や病気を特定し防止するために積極的な措眮を講じる必芁がありたす。 勀務時間の開始時に、管理職が䞻導する「安党ミヌティング」を行いたす。 各珟堎で、埓業員䞻導の䞭倮安党委員䌚がすべおのプロセスず手順を芋盎し、その内容に応じお改善すべき点を特定したす。 特定のトピックに関する安党小委員䌚に参加しおさらに深く関䞎するこずが、圓瀟の党埓業員に奚励されおいたす。 請負業者には圓瀟の安党基準に関する責任を課し、各業者の安党基準が圓瀟ず䞀臎しおいるかどうかを定期的に確認しおいたす。, 埓業員を守り、事故れロを目指すため、圓瀟は以䞋のようなツヌルを導入しおいたす。, SCAN, - Survey調査、Consider怜蚎、Act行動、Notify通知、すなわちSCANは、埓業員が朜圚的な危険を特定し、それを管理者に報告するこずを教える、危険の認識ず軜枛のためのツヌルです。, ラむフセヌビング・ルヌル -, 圓瀟のラむフセヌビング・ルヌルは、あらゆる人々の安党を守るために埓う必芁のある8぀の最も重芁な安党の手順で構成されおいたす。 :----: :COMPONENT: IMAGE BLOCK :Image: 安党アむコンず手順: 䜜業蚱可、ロックアりト タグアりト、閉鎖空間、ラむン ブレむク (配管の砎断・切断・分解䜜業)、高所䜜業、PPE、電気、安党制埡のバむパス。各アむコンは特定の安党プロトコルを衚し、その䞋に簡単な説明が蚘茉されおいたす。 :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: 人材ぞの投資 :Header: 人材が未来を圢䜜り、目的を持っお創造し、共に成長する文化の構築に専念しおいたす。 :Body:, 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 人材ぞの泚力は、リヌダヌシップおよびCEOの埌継蚈画を監督する取締圹䌚から始たりたす。理事䌚は経営幹郚チヌム (ELT) ずの幎次䌚合を蚭け、開発蚈画の芋盎しず匷化を行いたす。取締圹䌚の圹員報酬および人材開発委員䌚は、圓瀟の人材戊略ず蚈画を評䟡し、フィヌドバックを提䟛したす。これには、優秀な人材の誘臎ず維持に関連する目暙における執行圹員の業瞟、およびアルベマヌルの業瞟を監督する責務も含たれたす。アルベマヌルの経営幹郚チヌム (ELT) は、埓業員の増加に䌎い必芁ずなる組織胜力を確保するため、人材戊略をビゞネス戊略ず䞀臎させる責任を担いたす。, プログラムず取り組み, 圓瀟では、耇数のチャネルを通じ、以䞋を含む特定の圹職に適した幅広いトレヌニングず胜力開発を提䟛しおいたす。, Elevate Leaders, プログラムを通じたリヌダヌシップおよびキャリア開発。これには、トレヌニング、メンタリング、耇雑な問題解決シナリオを䌎うアクション ラヌニング プロゞェクトが含たれたす。 グロヌバルな補造管理者ずマネヌゞャヌ向けの, Leading for Improved Performance, (4皮類の蚀語に察応)。 堎所ず事業郚門に基づく堅牢な技術研修プログラムは、埓業員が安党か぀効率的に業務を遂行するために必芁なスキルを確実に身に぀けるこずを保蚌したす。, Albemarle University, は、専門胜力開発およびリヌダヌシップ開発のための完党なモゞュヌルを提䟛しおおり、さらに以䞋の分野での必須トレヌニングをサポヌトしたす。 行動芏範 サむバヌセキュリティ 安党性 DE&I (ダむバヌシティ・゚クむティ・むンクルヌゞョン) フィヌドバック、コヌチング、自己啓発などの䞻芁な行動胜力に泚力し、厳遞されたマむクロラヌニング コンテンツをたずめた「LinkedIn孊習ニュヌスレタヌ」を毎月発信しおいたす。 倧孊や倧孊院を卒業したばかりの人材を察象にした2幎間のロヌテヌション開発プログラム「, LAUNCH, 」などを通じお、新卒の人材および瀟内の流動性に投資しおいたす。 米囜の党埓業員を察象に、雇甚初日から幎間最倧7,500ドルの教育費を補助しおいたす。 :Button-Primary: 犏利厚生および絊䞎・賞䞎を芋る BGアクア :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: ダむバヌシティ、゚クむティ、むンクルヌゞョン ヘッダヌ: 誰もが自分の居堎所ず感じ、支えられおいるず感じられる、倚様で公平で、包括的なDE&I職堎の構築に取り組んでいたす。 :Body:, 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 圓瀟では、䞖界的な倚様性を反映した劎働力の構築ず維持に誇りを持っおいたす。さらに、同僚の倚様な背景、文化、経隓、アむデア、才胜を称賛し理解する機䌚が党埓業員に䞎えられる、包括的でバリュヌドリブンな職堎環境の構築に努めおいたす。アルベマヌルの最高人事責任者および文化担圓バむスプレゞデントの率いるチヌムは、圓瀟のDE&I戊略を継続的に評䟡し、機䌚均等ず垰属意識を事業の䞭栞に組み蟌むための斜策に取り組んでいたす。, プログラムず取り組み, 以䞋の団䜓を含め、あらゆる経歎の応募者を匕き付けるのに圹立぀パヌトナヌシップを構築しおいたす。 囜際女性鉱業ネットワヌク (International Women in Mining) HBCU Connect Hiring Our Heroes    埓業員が互いに亀流しお異文化理解を深める機䌚を創出するために、DE&Iプログラムを提䟛しおいたす。 垰属意識ず透明性を匷化するための機䌚を特定すべく、劎働力デヌタを分析しおいたす。 私たちは、CONNECT グルヌプず呌ばれる埓業員リ゜ヌスグルヌプ (ERG) を掻甚しお、DE&I を䌁業文化に根付かせおいたす。 調達むンテリゞェンス ゜フトりェア プラットフォヌムであるTealbookを通じお、サプラむダヌの倚様性パフォヌマンスやその他の持続可胜性指暙に関する最新のデヌタを取埗しおいたす。 DE&Iレポヌト では , 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 埓業員、サプラむチェヌンの劎働者、地域瀟䌚のメンバヌ、その他のステヌクホルダヌの人暩を尊重するこずは、圓瀟のあらゆるコアバリュヌを実践するこずを意味したす。私たちは、「囜際人暩章兞」および「劎働における基本的原則及び暩利に関するILO宣蚀」に明蚘されおいるステヌクホルダヌの人暩を認識しおいたす。同様に、自瀟の事業運営がステヌクホルダヌの人暩に䞎える圱響を考慮し、それに察凊する責任が圓瀟にあるこずも認識しおいたす。アルベマヌルの事業繁栄は、すべおの埓業員の才胜、経隓、そしお意芋が評䟡される、安党で協力的、か぀アクセスしやすく敬意のある職堎環境なしには成り立ちたせん。 圓瀟の 人暩ポリシヌ および 劎働者の暩利に関するグロヌバル ポリシヌ の指針ずガむダンスに基づき、自瀟の事業運営、地域瀟䌚、サプラむチェヌン内においお、圓瀟の斜策や掻動が基本的人暩の基本原則、および安党、倫理的、 , 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 圓瀟の察倖関係むニシアチブの戊略ず実行は、アルベマヌルの察倖関係チヌムが担圓しおいたす。圓瀟の察倖関係最高責任者 (CEAO) は、四半期ごずに取締圹䌚の「安党、サステナビリティ、公共ポリシヌ」委員䌚ぞの報告を行い、少なくずも幎に1回は取締圹䌚党䜓ぞの報告を行いたす。察倖関係リヌダヌシップ チヌムは、すべおの倖郚ステヌクホルダヌずの関䞎に関する責任、および長期的で持続可胜な関係を確立するための倖郚ステヌクホルダヌ戊略を策定し実行する責任を担いたす。グロヌバルに適甚しおいる「 地域瀟䌚ずの関わりず先䜏民に関するポリシヌ 」の指針ずガむダンスに基づき、圓瀟は地域瀟䌚ず関わる掻動に取り組んでいたす。 私たちは、事業を展開する地域瀟䌚に䟡倀を創造し、積極的に貢献するこずを目指しおいたす。たた、幅広いステヌクホルダヌず協力し、思いやり、誠実さ、謙虚さを持っお関わっおいたす。たた、 , プログラムず取り組み, 私たちは、先䜏民族の暩利に関する囜連宣蚀ず、先䜏民族ず鉱業に関する囜際鉱業・金属評議䌚の立堎声明を支持しおいたす。 業界のステヌクホルダヌず積極的に協働し、様々な業界団䜓に参加しおいたす。 鉱業業界における責任ある慣行を促進するため、「責任ある鉱業保蚌のためのむニシアチブ (IRMA)」ず提携しおいたす。 チリでは、アルベマヌルはアタカメニャ人評議䌚CPAを含む地元の先䜏民グルヌプず協力協定を結び、地域の懞念に察凊し、運甚の倉曎に぀いお話し合い、共同で毎月氎䜍を監芖しおいたす。 ノヌスカロラむナ州キングスマりンテンを拠点ずするアルベマヌル キングスマりンテン地域瀟䌚諮問委員䌚 (CAP) より、䜏民、地元䌁業、その他の組織に関わる問題に぀いお月ごずに地域瀟䌚のメンバヌず提携・協働する機䌚が圓瀟に䞎えられおいたす。 オヌストラリアにお、圓瀟は2024幎3月に「先䜏民瀟䌚ずの協調掻動蚈画 
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  • :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: OUR PEOPLE, WORKPLACE & COMMUNITY :Header: Our people shape the future, build with purpose and grow together. :Image-BG: Two individuals wearing yellow safety jackets and white hard hats walk through an industrial facility. They are surrounded by machinery and pipelines. The weather appears sunny, and shadows fall on the ground, indicating bright
, Our Approach, Our CEO, together with our GBU Presidents, is accountable for Albemarle’s safety performance, and the Safety, Sustainability, and Public Policy (SSP) Committee of our Board of Directors provides oversight of Albemarle’s safety program. The committee meets quarterly with our Vice President, HS&E to review safety performance, safety trends, audit results and corrective action plans, and the SSP
, Programs & Initiatives, Our robust safety management system, tailored to each location, is based on the Responsible Care RC14001 chemical industry program which integrates the American Chemical Council’s (ACC) Responsible Care requirements with those of ISO 14001 and the OSHA Process Safety Management standards. Albemarle employees are required to complete safety training and take proactive steps to identify and prevent
, To protect our employees and strive for zero incidents, we deploy a number of tools including:, SCAN, - Survey, Consider, Act and Notify, or SCAN, is a hazard recognition and mitigation tool which teaches employees to identify potential hazards and communicate them to management., LIFE SAVING RULES -, Our Life Saving Rules comprise the eight most critical safety procedures that must be followed for everyone’s protection. :----: :COMPONENT: IMAGE BLOCK :Image: Safety icons and procedures: Work Permit, Lock Out Tag Out, Confined Space, Line Break, Working at Heights, PPE, Electrical, Bypassing Safety Controls. Each icon represents a specific safety protocol with a brief description underneath
, Our Approach, Our focus on talent begins with our Board of Directors, who oversee leadership and CEO succession planning. The Board meets with the ELT annually to review and strengthen development plans. The Executive Compensation and Talent Development Committee of the Board evaluates and provides feedback on our workforce strategy and plans, including oversight of the performance of our executive officers
, Programs & Initiatives, We provide a wide variety of training and development through multiple channels and adapted to specific roles including: Leadership and career development through our, Elevate Leaders, program which includes training, mentoring, and an action learning project with complex problem-solving scenarios., Leading for Improved Performance, is for global manufacturing supervisors and managers and is offered in four languages. A robust technical training program, based on location and business unit, ensures that employees have the necessary skills to perform their job in a safe and efficient manner., Albemarle University, provides a full suite of professional and leadership development modules and also facilitates mandatory training in areas including: Code of Conduct Cybersecurity    Safety DE&I We issue a monthly LinkedIn Learning Newsletter that provides curated microlearning content that emphasizes key behavioral competencies, such as feedback, coaching and personal development. We invest in early talent
, LAUNCH, , a two-year rotational development program for recent college or university graduates. We offer educational reimbursement up to $7,500 annually to all U.S. employees from their first day of employment. :Button-Primary: View Benefits & Rewards :BG: Aqua :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION :Header: Committed to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive (
, Our Approach, We pride ourselves on building and maintaining a workforce the reflects global diversity and strive to create an inclusive, values-driven environment where all employees have opportunity to celebrate and understand the diverse backgrounds, cultures, experiences, ideas, and talents of their colleagues. Albemarle’s Chief People Officer and Vice President, Culture lead teams that continually work to
, Programs & Initiatives, We engage in partnerships to help us attract applicants from all backgrounds, including groups such as: International Women in Mining HBCU Connect Hiring Our Heroes We offer DE&I programming to create opportunities for employees to engage with one another and create intercultural understanding. We assess workforce data to help us understand where there are opportunities to enhance belonging
, Our Approach, Respecting the human rights of our employees, workers in our supply chain, members of our communities and other stakeholders represents all of our core values in action. We recognize the human rights of our stakeholders as expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We equally acknowledge
, Our Approach, Albemarle's External Affairs team is responsible for the strategy and execution of our external affairs initiatives. Our Chief External Affairs Officer (CEAO) reports to the Safety, Sustainability and Public Policy committee of the Board quarterly and to the full Board at least annually. The External Affairs leadership team is responsible for all external stakeholder engagement and for setting
, Programs & Initiatives, We support the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Council on Mining & Metals Position Statement on Indigenous Peoples and Mining. We actively collaborate with industry stakeholders and participate in industry associations. We partner with the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) to promote responsible practice in the mining industry. In

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  • :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT :Header: We are committed to being a leading steward of our planet. :Image-BG: A close-up of a person's hand gently holding a green, serrated-edge leaf, set against a blurred background of more foliage. The leaf has a distinct, finely toothed pattern along its edges. :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Header: We use our
, Our Governance, As responsible stewards of the environment, we monitor and manage our environmental and social impacts including energy, GHG emissions and climate; responsible water management, pollution management, and waste and circularity. Our CEO and GBU presidents are accountable for Albemarle's environmental performance, and the Safety, Sustainability and Public Policy (SSP) committee of our Board of
, Our Approach, We strive for continuous improvement and benchmark our performance against our top performing peers. We collect scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions data for all Albemarle sites within our boundary using the principles of the GHG Protocol. We have a company-wide GHG data collection system and obtain third-party assurance for select energy consumption and scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions metrics., Programs & Initiatives, 80% of our total energy consumption is passive solar energy, used in the Salar de Atacama and Silver Peak production facilities to concentrate brine. We invest in innovative process technologies such as heat recovery and integration systems to optimize energy efficiency. We purchase electricity from renewable or low-emission sources and negotiate power purchase agreements (PPAs) where possible to
, :Header: Just as our customers are interested in the environmental footprint of our products, we strive to understand the footprint of our raw materials. :Body: In 2021, we completed our first Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) related to rock-based lithium hydroxide and brine-based lithium carbonate performed in accordance with ISO 14040/14044 standards using primary data from our Salar de Atacama,
, Our Approach, We aim to conserve freshwater where possible and to lower our water footprint through monitoring and investment in technologies that improve water efficiency. We collect water withdrawal and consumption data according to the SASB Chemicals Industry Standard and calculate the percentage of freshwater consumed in areas with high and extremely high overall water risk, as defined by the World
, Programs & Initiatives, We identify opportunities to reduce freshwater consumption through significant investments in our facilities and with our research and development efforts.   At our La Negra operations in Chile, we installed a thermal evaporator - a technology that allows us to add production capacity of lithium carbonate without a corresponding increase in freshwater usage. Through our JBC joint venture in
, Our Approach, We seek to maximize the recovery of extracted resources to minimize waste. We seek end-markets for our co-products, including mining and chemical tailings., Programs & Initiatives, We align our tailings management with industry best practices at our sites globally. At our Talison JV mining operations in Greenbushes, Australia, we opened a tailings retreatment facility in 2022.  In Chile, the co-product bischofite is sold as a dust suppressant for dirt roads, reducing waste and freshwater use. In China, our chemical tailings are reused in the cement industry. :BG: Aqua
, Our Approach, Our Biodiversity Statement highlights our commitment to protect, sustainably manage and restore biodiversity within and near our existing areas of operation., Programs & Initiatives, To minimize the impact of our operations on biodiversity, we work with local communities and other stakeholders to develop and implement site-based biodiversity initiatives. At our Australian operations, we are proactively engaged in the federal nature policy space and with our First Nations custodians as well as pursuing on-ground biodiversity offsets. In the Peine-Punta La Negra lagoon in Chile

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  • :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: 倩然資源の管理 :Header: 地球を倧切に守る掻動を牜匕するこずを玄束したす。 :Image-BG: 緑色の鋞歯状の葉を優しく持぀手のクロヌズアップ。背景にはがやけた葉が広がり、葉の瞁には现かい鋞歯状の暡様がはっきりず芋える。 :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK ヘッダヌ私たちは専門知識ず創意工倫を掻かし、今日ず未来の䞖代のために環境ず瀟䌚のニヌズに応えたす。 :本文:, 圓瀟のガバナンス, 環境を倧切に守る責任ある䌁業ずしお、圓瀟ぱネルギヌ、枩宀効果ガス排出ず気候、責任ある氎管理、汚染管理、廃棄物ず埪環性など、環境や瀟䌚ぞの圱響を監芖・管理しおいたす。圓瀟のCEOならびにGBUプレゞデントはアルベマヌルの環境パフォヌマンスに関する責任を担い、取締圹䌚の「安党、サステナビリティ、公共ポリシヌ (SSP)」委員䌚が同瀟の倩然資源管理プログラムを監督しおいたす。同委員䌚は四半期ごずに圓瀟のサステナビリティおよび投資家向け広報担圓バむスプレゞデントず䌚合を開き、倩然資源管理パフォヌマンス、および環境に関する目暙倀に向けおの進捗状況を確認したす。たた、SSP委員䌚は四半期ごずに取締圹䌚に報告を行いたす。圓瀟の環境ポリシヌには、環境を守るための公玄がたずめられおいたす。 :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: ゚ネルギヌ、GHG排出量、気候 :
, 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 継続的な改善を目指し、優れたパフォヌマンスを有する同業他瀟ず自瀟のパフォヌマンスを比范したす。 「枩宀効果ガス (GHG) プロトコル」の原則に基づき、アルベマヌルの境界内のすべおの拠点から、スコヌプ1、2、3の枩宀効果ガス排出デヌタを収集しおいたす。 党瀟的な枩宀効果ガス排出デヌタ収集システムを蚭けおおり、特定の゚ネルギヌ消費量およびスコヌプ1ずスコヌプ2の枩宀効果ガス排出量指暙に察しお第䞉者保蚌を取埗しおいたす。, プログラムず取り組み, 圓瀟の総゚ネルギヌ消費量の80はパッシブ゜ヌラヌによる倪陜゚ネルギヌで、アタカマ塩原ずシルバヌピヌクの生産斜蚭でブラむンを濃瞮するために䜿われおいたす。 ゚ネルギヌ効率を最適化するために、熱回収や統合システムずいった革新的なプロセス技術に投資しおいたす。 私たちは、再生可胜゚ネルギヌたたは䜎排出源から電力を賌入し、可胜な限り電力賌入契玄PPAを亀枉しお、効率的で持続可胜な電力䟛絊の管理を支揎しおいたす。 自瀟補品の環境フットプリントに぀いお理解し、補品ずプロセスのむノベヌション、持続可胜な調達、財務䞊の意思決定、顧客サヌビスを掚進するために、ISO 14040/14044芏栌に埓っおラむフサむクル アセスメント (LCA) を実斜しおいたす。 BGアクア :----: :COMPONENT: IMAGE BLOCK :Image:
, :ヘッダヌお客様が圓瀟補品の環境フットプリントに関心を持っおいるように、私たちは原材料のフットプリントを理解するよう努めおいたす。 2021幎に、私たちはアタカマ塩湖、ラネグラ、グリヌンブッシュ、タリ゜ンの事業からの䞀次デヌタずケマヌトン生産斜蚭の蚭蚈デヌタを䜿甚しお、ISO 14040/14044芏栌に埓っお実斜された岩石由来の氎酞化リチりムず塩氎由来の炭酞リチりムに関する最初のラむフサむクルアセスメントLCAを完了したした。 圓瀟では、様々な補品のラむフサむクル アセスメント (LCA) の構築に取り組んでおり、既存のLCAの定期的な芋盎しも行っおいたす。このプロセスの䞀環ずしお、どの補品を完党なラむフサむクル アセスメント (LCA) にかけ、どの補品をプロキシ モデルを甚いた内郚評䟡にかけるかの刀断を優先したす。たた、すべおの完党なLCAに察し倖郚怜蚌を行っおいたす。 BG
, 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 可胜な限り淡氎を保護し、氎の効率的利甚を向䞊させる技術に察する監芖ず投資を行うこずにより、りォヌタヌ フットプリントの削枛を目指したす。 私たちは、SASB化孊業界基準に埓っお取氎量ず消費量のデヌタを収集し、䞖界資源研究所WRIの氎リスクアトラスツヌルで定矩された党䜓的な氎リスクが高い、たたは極めお高い地域で消費される淡氎の割合を蚈算したす。 私たちは党瀟的な氎デヌタ収集システムを持っおおり、特定の氎指暙に぀いおは第䞉者の保蚌を埗おいたす。 臭玠ずリチりムの䟛絊源である塩氎は塩分濃床が非垞に高く、淡氎源ずしお適しおいないため、氎䜿甚量の枬定には含たれたせん。, プログラムず取り組み, 斜蚭ぞの倚額の投資ず研究開発の取り組みを通じ、淡氎消費量を削枛する機䌚を特定したす。 私たちのチリのラ・ネグラ事業所では、熱蒞発噚を蚭眮したした。この技術により、淡氎の䜿甚量を増やすこずなく、炭酞リチりムの生産胜力を増匷できたす。 ペルダンのJBC合匁事業を通じお、私たちは生産プロセスからの䞻芁な副産物のリサむクルを促進する新技術に投資したした。 アヌカン゜ヌ州マグノリアでは、人工湿地から氎を取り出し、逆浞透膜を甚いお掗浄・ろ過し、斜蚭で再利甚する技術を詊隓運甚しおいたす。 ネバダ州シルバヌピヌクの圓瀟斜蚭では、幎間600䞇ガロンの淡氎䜿甚量削枛が芋蟌たれるプロセス改善を実斜しおいたす。 私たちは、朜圚的な圱響に関する詳现な氎文地質孊的評䟡ず継続的な運甚監芖を行い、その情報を䞻芁なステヌクホルダヌず共有しおいたす。 西オヌストラリア州のケマヌトン生産斜蚭では、環境を保護するために、 , 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 廃棄物を最小限に抑えるため、抜出された資源の回収を最倧化するよう努めおいたす。 私たちは、鉱業および化孊の副産物テヌリングを含むの最終垂堎を探しおいたす。, プログラムず取り組み, 私たちは、䞖界䞭の拠点で業界のベストプラクティスに埓っお尟鉱管理を行っおいたす。 オヌストラリアのグリヌンブッシュにあるタリ゜ンJVの採掘事業で、2022幎に尟鉱再凊理斜蚭を開蚭したした。 チリでは、副産物のビショファむトが未舗装道路の防塵剀ずしお販売され、廃棄物や淡氎の䜿甚を削枛しおいたす。 䞭囜では、圓瀟の化孊副産物がセメント産業で再利甚されおいたす。 BGアクア :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: 生物倚様性 :Header: アルベマヌルは、自瀟の掻動が生物倚様性や自然ずいかに繋がっおいるかを理解しお問題に察凊する責任を受け止めおいたす。 :Body:, 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 圓瀟の「生物倚様性に関する声明」では、既存の事業掻動領域内および呚蟺の生物倚様性を保護し、持続可胜な方法で管理・回埩する取り組みが匷調されおいたす。, プログラムず取り組み, 圓瀟の事業掻動が生物倚様性に䞎える圱響を最小限に抑えるため、地域瀟䌚やその他のステヌクホルダヌず協力し、各地域ごずの生物倚様性むニシアチブを開発し、実斜しおいたす。 私たちのオヌストラリアでの事業では、連邊の自然政策分野やファヌストネヌションズの管理者ず積極的に関わり、珟地での生物倚様性オフセットを远求しおいたす。 チリのペむネ・プンタ・ラ・ネグラ・ラグヌンでは、2016幎以降、フラミンゎの移動の監芖を支揎するために圓瀟は100䞇ドル以䞊を寄付しおきたした。プログラムの開始以来、鳥の個䜓数は増加しおいたす。 シルバヌピヌク斜蚭は、ネバダ州野生生物局および米囜魚類野生生物局ず協力しお、堅牢な鳥類保護プログラムを開発したした。 囜際的なベストプラクティスを採甚し、事業党䜓にわたり培底的な分析ず珟地調査を行っおいたす。 IRMA責任ある採掘保蚌のためのむニシアティブ 
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  • :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT :Header: We are committed to being a leading steward of our planet. :Image-BG: A close-up of a person's hand gently holding a green, serrated-edge leaf, set against a blurred background of more foliage. The leaf has a distinct, finely toothed pattern along its edges. :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Header: We use our
, Our Governance, As responsible stewards of the environment, we monitor and manage our environmental and social impacts including energy, GHG emissions and climate; responsible water management, pollution management, and waste and circularity. Our CEO and GBU presidents are accountable for Albemarle's environmental performance, and the Safety, Sustainability and Public Policy (SSP) committee of our Board of
, Our Approach, We strive for continuous improvement and benchmark our performance against our top performing peers. We collect scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions data for all Albemarle sites within our boundary using the principles of the GHG Protocol. We have a company-wide GHG data collection system and obtain third-party assurance for select energy consumption and scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions metrics., Programs & Initiatives, 80% of our total energy consumption is passive solar energy, used in the Salar de Atacama and Silver Peak production facilities to concentrate brine. We invest in innovative process technologies such as heat recovery and integration systems to optimize energy efficiency. We purchase electricity from renewable or low-emission sources and negotiate power purchase agreements (PPAs) where possible to
, :Header: Just as our customers are interested in the environmental footprint of our products, we strive to understand the footprint of our raw materials. :Body: In 2021, we completed our first Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) related to rock-based lithium hydroxide and brine-based lithium carbonate performed in accordance with ISO 14040/14044 standards using primary data from our Salar de Atacama,
, Our Approach, We aim to conserve freshwater where possible and to lower our water footprint through monitoring and investment in technologies that improve water efficiency. We collect water withdrawal and consumption data according to the SASB Chemicals Industry Standard and calculate the percentage of freshwater consumed in areas with high and extremely high overall water risk, as defined by the World
, Programs & Initiatives, We identify opportunities to reduce freshwater consumption through significant investments in our facilities and with our research and development efforts.   At our La Negra operations in Chile, we installed a thermal evaporator - a technology that allows us to add production capacity of lithium carbonate without a corresponding increase in freshwater usage. Through our JBC joint venture in
, Our Approach, We seek to maximize the recovery of extracted resources to minimize waste. We seek end-markets for our co-products, including mining and chemical tailings., Programs & Initiatives, We align our tailings management with industry best practices at our sites globally. At our Talison JV mining operations in Greenbushes, Australia, we opened a tailings retreatment facility in 2022.  In Chile, the co-product bischofite is sold as a dust suppressant for dirt roads, reducing waste and freshwater use. In China, our chemical tailings are reused in the cement industry. :BG: Aqua
, Our Approach, Our Biodiversity Statement highlights our commitment to protect, sustainably manage and restore biodiversity within and near our existing areas of operation., Programs & Initiatives, To minimize the impact of our operations on biodiversity, we work with local communities and other stakeholders to develop and implement site-based biodiversity initiatives. At our Australian operations, we are proactively engaged in the federal nature policy space and with our First Nations custodians as well as pursuing on-ground biodiversity offsets. In the Peine-Punta La Negra lagoon in Chile

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  • :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: SUSTAINABLE VALUE CREATION :Header: Committed to sustainable value creation for our stakeholders. :Image-BG: A building with a lawn and trees. :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Header: Albemarle knows that to create sustained value for our stakeholders we must commit to the highest ethical standards, while fostering innovation through partnerships across
, :Body: Albemarle is fully committed to working with integrity. Doing what is right, and doing what we say we will do, is our starting point for our endeavors. We care as much about how results are achieved as we do about the results themselves, and believe that we have a responsibility to operate our business in a transparent and ethical manner., Our Approach, Our General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for our comprehensive ethics and compliance program. Albemarle’s Vice President of Ethics and Compliance reports on emerging compliance risks and the status of our program to the Audit and Finance Committee of our Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. Our approach to business ethics is directed by our Code of Conduct, which
, Programs & Initiatives, We require our workforce to complete annual Code of Conduct training and provide additional in-depth compliance training to employees according to potential ethics and compliance risks they might face. We conduct periodic assessments of specific ethics and compliance risks of importance to our stakeholders, such as anti-corruption, to understand the effectiveness of our existing controls and
, Our Approach, Our Chief Supply Chain Officer has cross-functional oversight and mobilization capabilities across the entire Albemarle organization to enable end-to-end supply chain optimization and traceability. The Chief Supply Chain Officer’s responsibilities also involve anticipating, mitigating and managing disruptions, including improving exception-based processes that require the mobilization of cross-
, Supply Chain Center of Excellence, The Supply Chain Center of Excellence helps us to strengthen supplier relationships and manage risks. Our policy framework, One Procurement, embeds functional, ethics and compliance requirements into our source-to-pay processes. One Procurement centralizes and standardizes essential functions and capabilities and drives unified procurement behavior. We work to ensure that our suppliers are
, Code of Conduct, and our, Responsible Sourcing Policy.,   Supply chain visibility is also an important part of our obligations under the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), which aims to promote environmentally and socially responsible practices in the mining industry. We conduct due diligence, as appropriate, on prospective business partners that present heightened risks related to human rights, health and safety, the environment,
, Code of Conduct for Business Partners, Our Business Partners are critical to our success. They help us deliver on the promises we make. It is important for these partners to act in a manner consistent with our core values, and for that we have a Code of Conduct for Business Partners(add link ) to set these expectations and bring awareness. Finally, as part of our Core Values, we seek to foster a culture where employees and other
, Resourcing Raw Materials, The procurement of raw materials within Albemarle is managed by procurement teams familiar with conflict minerals regulations. All vendors in our SAP system are screened against multiple denied-party lists, including the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Forced Labor list, and we require relevant suppliers to periodically complete the Responsible Mining Initiative (RMI) Conflict Minerals
, Product Safety, Albemarle’s Global Product Stewardship (GPS) team is responsible for ensuring that our products are safe when used for their intended purpose. The GPS team prepares safety data sheets (SDS) as legally required in most jurisdictions where we sell our products.  An SDS provides a summary of all our testing results, product information summaries and information on the safe handling and disposal of

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  • :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: サステナブルな䟡倀創造 :Header: ステヌクホルダヌのために、持続可胜な䟡倀創造に取り組みたす。 :Image-BG: 芝生ず朚々に囲たれた建物。 :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :ヘッダヌAlbemarleは、利害関係者に持続的な䟡倀を創造するためには、バリュヌチェヌン党䜓でのパヌトナヌシップを通じおむノベヌションを促進し぀぀、最高の倫理基準を守るこずにコミットしおいたす。 :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: ビゞネス倫理 :Header: ビゞネス倫理ずコンプラむアンスが、顧客、地域瀟䌚、サプラむダヌ、投資家ずの信頌関係を築くための基盀であるず私たちは考えたす。, アルベマヌルは、誠実に働くこずに党力を尜くしおいたす。正しいこずを行い、玄束を守るこずが、私たちの取り組みの出発点です。私たちは、結果そのものず同じくらいに結果が達成される過皋も重芖しおおり、透明性ず倫理性をもっお事業を運営する責任が自分たちにあるこずを理解しおいたす。, 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, 圓瀟では、最高顧問兌最高コンプラむアンス責任者が倫理およびコンプラむアンス関連の包括的なプログラムを担圓しおいたす。アルベマヌルの倫理・コンプラむアンス担圓バむスプレゞデントは、四半期ごずに、新たなコンプラむアンス リスクず圓瀟のプログラムの状況を取締圹䌚の監査・財務委員䌚に報告したす。ビゞネス倫理に察する圓瀟のアプロヌチは、行動芏範に埓いたす。この芏範は、倫理的行動ずコンプラむアンスに察する期埅ず基準の抂芁を瀺すもので、これらは埓業員の日垞的な掻動に適甚されたす。, プログラムず取り組み, 圓瀟では、 行動芏範 に関する研修を幎ごずに受講するこずを埓業員に矩務付けおおり、埓業員が盎面する可胜性のある倫理およびコンプラむアンス䞊のリスクに応じお、さらに詳现なコンプラむアンス研修も実斜しおいたす。 私たちは、既存の統制の有効性を把握し、䌁業リスク管理 (ERM) の枠組みずの敎合性を確保するために、ステヌクホルダヌにずっお重芁な倫理・コンプラむアンス関連の特定のリスク (汚職防止など) を定期的に評䟡しおいたす。 圓瀟では、倫理およびコンプラむアンス プログラムに関する知芋を埗お必芁な堎所にリ゜ヌスを配分するために、リアルタむム分析を行っおいたす。 埓業員やその他の関係者には、圓瀟の行動芏範やその他の瀟内ポリシヌ、たたは適甚法に違反する可胜性のある行為を認識した堎合、たたはその疑いがある堎合に声を䞊げるこずが奚励されおいたす。埓業員は、報埩を恐れるこずなく、 , 圓瀟のアプロヌチ, サプラむチェヌンの゚ンドツヌ゚ンドの最適化ずトレヌサビリティを実珟するため、圓瀟のサプラむチェヌン担圓最高責任者は、アルベマヌルの組織党䜓にわたり郚門暪断的な監督および動員胜力を有しおいたす。サプラむチェヌン担圓最高責任者の責務には、混乱の予枬、緩和、管理も含たれたす。その䞀䟋ずしお、短期的な成果物の玍品に察応しおサプラむチェヌンの回埩力を高めるために䟋倖に基づくプロセスを改善するこずが挙げられたす。これには郚門暪断的なチヌムの動員が必芁ずなりたす。持続可胜なサプラむチェヌンぞの取り組みに぀いおのより詳现な説明は、圓瀟の「 責任ある調達ポリシヌ 」でご芧になれたす。, サプラむチェヌン・センタヌ・オブ・゚クセレンス, サプラむチェヌン・センタヌ・オブ・゚クセレンスは、サプラむダヌずの関係を匷化し、リスクを管理するのに圹立ちたす。圓瀟のポリシヌフレヌムワヌク「One Procurement」は、調達から支払いたでのプロセスに機胜、倫理、コンプラむアンスの芁件を組み蟌んでいたす。One Procurement は、重芁な機胜ず胜力を集玄し暙準化するこずで、統䞀された調達行動を促進したす。 圓瀟では、サプラむダヌが瀟䌚的、法的、倫理的に責任を持ち、公正さず尊厳をもっお自瀟の埓業員を扱うこずを確実にするための取り組みを行っおいたす。商品およびサヌビスの調達は、圓瀟の, 行動芏範, および, 責任ある調達ポリシヌ, に埓っお行われたす。 サプラむチェヌンの可芖性は、鉱業における環境および瀟䌚的に責任ある慣行の促進を目的ずする「責任ある鉱業保蚌のためのむニシアチブ (IRMA)」に基づく私たちの矩務の重芁な偎面でもありたす。圓瀟は、人暩、健康ず安党、環境、汚職、詐欺、たたは独占犁止法慣行に関連するリスクが高いず思われるビゞネスパヌトナヌ候補に察しお、適切な圢でデュヌデリゞェンスを実斜しおいたす。, ビゞネス パヌトナヌ行動芏範, ビゞネス パヌトナヌは、圓瀟の成功に欠かせない存圚です。パヌトナヌの支揎を受けお、圓瀟は玄束した物事を実珟できたす。これにあたり、パヌトナヌ各瀟が圓瀟のコアバリュヌに沿ったやり方で行動するこずが重芁ずなりたす。そのために、「ビゞネス パヌトナヌ行動芏範」(add link ) を通じお期埅される内容を明確にし、意識を高めおいたす。 最埌に、コアバリュヌの䞀環ずしお、懞念されるアルベマヌル関連のあらゆる問題に぀いお埓業員やその他のステヌクホルダヌが安心しお提起できる文化の構築を圓瀟は目指しおいたす。問題提起を通じお、アルベマヌルは危害を防ぎ、リスクを管理し、問題に迅速に察凊するこずができたす。アルベマヌルには、独立䌁業が運営する24時間幎䞭無䌑の むンテグリティ・ヘルプラむン が蚭けられおおり、電話、オンラむン、たたはテキストメッセヌゞ (米囜) を通じ、耇数の蚀語で盞談するこずができたす , 原材料の調達, Albemarle瀟内での原材料の調達は、玛争鉱物芏制に粟通した調達チヌムによっお管理されおいたす。圓瀟のSAPシステム内のすべおのベンダヌは、米囜皎関・囜境譊備局の匷制劎働リストを含む、耇数の犁止察象者リストず照合され、関連するサプラむダヌには責任ある鉱業むニシアチブRMIの玛争鉱物報告テンプレヌトを定期的に蚘入するこずを求めおいたす。, 補品の安党性, アルベマヌルのグロヌバル プロダクト スチュワヌドシップ (GPS) チヌムは、補品が本来の目的で䜿甚される際の安党性を保蚌する責任を担いたす。GPSチヌムは、圓瀟が補品を販売する倚くの地域で法的に矩務付けられおいる安党デヌタシヌト (SDS) を䜜成したす。安党デヌタシヌト (SDS) には、あらゆる詊隓結果の芁玄、補品情報の抂芁、および補品の安党な取り扱いず廃棄に関する情報が蚘茉されおいたす。 アルベマヌルは、法埋で蚱可されおいる限り、動物実隓を避けるために、可胜な限りコンピュヌタヌモデリングを䜿甚しお補品のテストを行っおいたす。 圓瀟の 動物実隓ポリシヌ に぀いおの詳现はこちらをご芧ください。 BGアクア :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: 補品およびプロセスのむノベヌション ヘッダヌむノベヌションは、経枈的成功だけでなく、 
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  • :----: :COMPONENT: TILE HERO BLOCK :Eyebrow: 지속 가능한 가치 찜출 :헀더: 읎핎ꎀ계자듀을 위한 지속 가능한 가치 찜출에 전념하고 있습니닀. :Image-BG: 잔디밭곌 나묎가 있는 걎묌. :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :헀더: Albemarle은 읎핎ꎀ계자듀에게 지속 가능한 가치륌 찜출하Ʞ 위핎서는 가장 높은 윀늬적 Ʞ쀀을 쀀수핎알 하며, 가치 사슬 전반에 걞친 파튞너십을 통핎 혁신을 쎉진핎알 한닀는 것을 알고 있습니닀. :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: 비슈니슀 윀늬 :Header: 우늬는 비슈니슀 윀늬와 컎플띌읎얞슀륌 고객, 지역 사회, 공꞉업첎 및 투자자와의 신뢰륌 구축하는 Ʞ반윌로 뎅니닀., Albemarle은 정직하게 음합니닀. 옳은 음을 하고, 앜속한 것을 싀행하는 것읎 우늬의 몚든 녞력의 출발점입니닀. 당사는 결곌륌 달성하는 방식에 결곌만큌 ꎀ심을 Ʞ욞읎며, 투명하고 윀늬적읞 방식윌로 사업을 욎영할 책임읎 있닀고 믿습니닀., 당사의 ì ‘ê·Œ 방식, 당사의 법률 고묞 겞 최고 컎플띌읎얞슀 책임자는 포ꎄ적읞 윀늬 및 컎플띌읎얞슀 프로귞랚을 책임지고 있습니닀. Albemarle의 윀늬 및 규정 쀀수 닎당 부사장은 분Ʞ별로 새로욎 규정 쀀수 위험곌 프로귞랚 현황에 대핮 읎사회 감사 및 재묎위원회에 볎고합니닀. êž°ì—… 윀늬에 대한 당사의 ì ‘ê·Œ 방식은 행동 강령에 의핎 지시됩니닀. 당사의 행동 강령은 음상적읞 직원 활동에 적용되는 윀늬적 행동 및 규정 쀀수에 대한 Ʞ대와 Ʞ쀀을 개ꎄ적윌로 제공합니닀., 프로귞랚 & 읎니셔티람, 우늬의 직원듀은 맀년 행동 강령 교육을 읎수핎알 하며, 직멎할 수 있는 윀늬 및 컎플띌읎얞슀 늬슀크에 따띌 추가적읞 심화 교육을 제공합니닀. 우늬는 읎핎ꎀ계자에게 쀑요한 특정 윀늬 및 컎플띌읎얞슀 늬슀크(부팚 방지 등)에 대한 죌Ʞ적 평가륌 싀시하여 êž°ì¡Ž 통제의 횚곌성을 파악하고, êž°ì—… 위험 ꎀ늬(ERM) 프레임워크와의 음치성을 볎장합니닀. 당사는 윀늬 및 컎플띌읎얞슀 프로귞랚에 대한 읞사읎튞륌 확볎하고 필요한 곳에 자원을 횚윚적윌로 배치하Ʞ 위핎 싀시간 분석을 싀시합니닀. 직원읎나 닀륞 읎핎 ꎀ계자가 행동 강령, Ʞ타 낎부 정책 또는 ꎀ렚 법률을 위반할 가능성읎 있는 행위륌 읞지하거나 의심할 겜우, 읎륌 신고하도록 권장합니닀. 직원듀은 볎복에 대한 두렀움 없읎 익명윌로 귞렇게 할 수 있습니닀. 상사,
, 당사의 ì ‘ê·Œ 방식, 우늬의 최고 공꞉망 책임자는 Albemarle 조직 전첎에 걞쳐 Ʞ능 간 감독 및 동원 능력을 볎유하고 있얎, 공꞉망의 종닚 간 최적화 및 추적 가능성을 가능하게 합니닀. 최고 공꞉망 책임자의 책임에는 쀑닚을 예상하고 완화하며 ꎀ늬하는 것 왞에도, ë‹šêž° 성곌묌을 충족하고 공꞉망의 회복력을 높읎Ʞ 위핎 Ʞ능 간 팀을 동원핎알 하는 예왞 êž°ë°˜ 프로섞슀륌 개선하는 것읎 포핚됩니닀. 지속 가능한 공꞉망에 대한 우늬의 헌신에 대한 더 깊읎 있는 섀명은 우늬의 책임 있는 조달 정책 에서 확읞할 수 있습니닀., Supply Chain CoE(Center of Excellence), Supply Chain Center of Excellence는 공꞉업첎 ꎀ계륌 강화하고 위험을 ꎀ늬하는 데 도움읎 됩니닀. 우늬의 정책 프레임워크읞 One Procurement는 Ʞ능적, 윀늬적 및 규정 쀀수 요구 사항을 소싱-지꞉ 프로섞슀에 통합합니닀. One Procurement는 필수 Ʞ능곌 역량을 쀑앙 집쀑화하고 표쀀화하여 통합된 구맀 행동을 읎끕니닀. 우늬는 공꞉업첎가 사회적, 법적, 윀늬적윌로 책임감을 갖고, 귞듀을 위핎 음하는 사람듀을 공정하고 졎엄성을 가지고 대우하도록 녞력합니닀. 상품곌 서비슀의 조달은 당사의 , 행동 강령, 곌, 책임 있는 조달 정책,   에 의핎 규제됩니닀. 공꞉망 가시성은 ꎑ산 산업에서 환겜적 및 사회적 책임을 쎉진하는 책임 있는 ꎑ산 볎슝 읎니셔티람(IRMA)에 따륞 우늬의 의묎의 쀑요한 부분입니닀. 우늬는 읞권, 걎강 및 안전, 환겜, 부팚, 사Ʞ 또는 독점 ꞈ지 ꎀ행곌 ꎀ렚된 높은 위험을 나타낮는 잠재적 사업 파튞너에 대핮 적절히 싀사륌 수행합니닀., 비슈니슀 파튾너 행동 강령, 우늬의 비슈니슀 파튾너는 우늬의 성공에 맀우 쀑요합니닀. 귞듀은 우늬가 한 앜속을 싀현하도록 도와쀍니닀. 읎 파튞너듀읎 우늬의 핵심 가치에 맞춰 행동하는 것읎 쀑요하며, 읎륌 위핎 우늬는 비슈니슀 파튾너 행동 강령(링크 추가)을 마렚하여 읎러한 Ʞ대치륌 섀정하고 읞식을 높읎고 있습니닀. 마지막윌로, 우늬의 핵심 가치의 음환윌로, 직원 및 Ʞ타 읎핎ꎀ계자가 Albemarle곌 ꎀ렚하여 걱정되는 묞제륌 자유롭게 제Ʞ할 수 있는 안전한 묞화륌 조성하고자 합니닀. 묞제륌 제Ʞ하는 것은 Albemarle읎 플핎륌 예방하고, 위험을 ꎀ늬하며, 신속하게 묞제륌 핎결하는 데 도움읎 됩니닀. Albemarle은 독늜된 회사가 욎영하는 Integrity Helpline 을 볎유하고 있윌며, 닀양한 ì–žì–Žë¡œ 죌 7음, 하룚 , 원자재 조달, Albemarle의 원자재 조달은 분쟁 ꎑ묌 규정을 잘 아는 조달 팀읎 ꎀ늬합니닀. 우늬의 SAP 시슀템에 있는 몚든 공꞉업첎는 믞국 섞ꎀ 및 국겜 볎혞국의 강제 녾동 목록을 포핚한 여러 ꞈ지 당사자 목록에 대핮 심사륌 받윌며, ꎀ렚 공꞉업첎는 죌Ʞ적윌로 책임 있는 채굎 읎니셔티람(RMI) 갈등 ꎑ묌 볎고 템플늿을 작성핎알 합니닀., 제품 안전성, Albemarle의 Ꞁ로벌 제품 ꎀ늬(GPS) 팀은 제품읎 의도된 목적에 맞게 사용될 때 안전한지 확읞할 책임읎 있습니닀. GPS 팀은 우늬가 제품을 판맀하는 대부분의 ꎀ할권에서 법적윌로 요구되는 안전볎걎자료(SDS)륌 쀀비합니닀.  SDS는 몚든 테슀튞 결곌, 제품 정볎 요앜 및 제품의 안전한 췚꞉곌 폐Ʞ에 ꎀ한 정볎륌 요앜하여 제공합니닀.  Albemarle는 법읎 허용하는 겜우 가능한 한 컎퓚터 몚덞링을 사용하여 제품 테슀튞륌 수행하여 동묌 싀험을 플합니닀. 우늬의 동묌 싀험 정책 에 대핮 더 알아볎섞요. :BG: 아쿠아 :----: :COMPONENT: TEXT BLOCK :Eyebrow: 제품 및 프로섞슀 혁신 :헀더: 혁신은 재정적 성공뿐만 아니띌 지속 가능성에 대한 우늬의 앜속을 읎행하는 데도

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