European Helpline - Cloned - Cloned

European Regional Emergency Number – Legal information related to +32(0)70233201


1. The name, address and, where applicable, the BCE number of the service provider:

Albemarle Europe
Rue du Bosquet 9
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve


2. The EU MOSS or the Belgian VAT number of the party responsible for paying the VAT on the amounts collected:



3. A description of the service:

European Regional Chemical Emergency Response Service


4. The URLs used by the service:

Not applicable


5. The total price of the service:



6. The contact address, e-mail address and national telephone number, for which the costs of the calls per minute do not exceed those of a call to a geographical number, for the processing of complaints:

Albemarle Europe
Rue du Bosquet 9
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve


7. If applicable, the license number in accordance with the Act of 7 May 1999 on Gambling, Betting, Gambling Establishments and Protection of Players and its implementing regulations:

Not applicable


8. The start and end date of the service:

15/05/2005 - 31/12/2099


9. The data mentioned above, which were applicable during the last 6 months, in case they differ from the current data:

Not applicable