Integrity Helpline - Cloned - Cloned - Cloned

Our Core Values In Action

The Integrity Helpline is operated by an independent company and can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in multiple languages, by phone or online. In the U.S., it can also be contacted by text message. Your concern may be submitted confidentially and anonymously to the extent allowed under the law.

To report online please visit our Integrity Helpline website:

If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call the Integrity Helpline. Once a concern is submitted, it will be assigned to a member of our Global Ethics & Compliance team for review. You will be provided with a unique pin number, allowing you to follow up on your concern by receiving and sending messages in a secure environment.

  • If calling inside the U.S. call (800) 461-9330.
  • If you are dialing internationally, visit and choose your location to find the correct number for your country.

Our Global Ethics & Compliance Team

You may raise concerns directly with our Global Ethics & Compliance team by email: [email protected]

You may also raise concerns by post:

Chief Compliance Officer
Albemarle Corporation
4250 Congress Street, Suite 900
Charlotte, NC, 28209


Albemarle employees are encouraged to visit the speak-up section of the eCode for information on other available channels for reporting.

Our Retaliation Policy

We will not tolerate any direct or indirect acts of retaliation against an individual who in good faith reports a concern or suspected violation of our Code, Business Partner Code or applicable laws. This includes retaliation against anyone for participating in an investigation of suspected misconduct, whether conducted by Albemarle or any government agency. We will investigate all allegations of retaliation.